Covid-19 the worldwide pandemic brought a drastic change in everyone's life. It was not easy to accept the change in the beginning but gradually became a part of our life.

I used to wake up early and do yoga and meditation with my father. I used to pray, read books, talked with my grandparents. These all gave me positive vibes.

During the pandemic staying at home was the most difficult but the most important thing to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe from this pandemic. This was the longest time my family was home at a stretch. It was very difficult to stay at home 24/7. I used to be tempted by the swimming pool in my compound but my mother would not encourage me. Since I could go out and do other activities used to exercise at home. I also learned how to do my household chores, cooking, baking, and learned how to make some desserts. These activities reduced my screen time and increased my productivity time.

Digital learning was my dream. It came true when our school principal allowed digital learning during the pandemic. Online classes started with great excitement in my heart. My teachers would make videos, presentations to make us understand the topic in depth. They also made worksheets and gave assignments for better practice. They sent a self-assessment test to know where we stand and we got our results at the very same moment. When I lost marks I used to review my mistakes and understood the concept until I get it right. It made me better.